An effective threat hunting is critical because it is hard to think like attackers and to search for the unknown in an enterprise network. This post may help organizations for an effective and successful threat hunting. Knowledge of Topology and Environment The purpose of threat hunting is to find theContinue Reading

Kali Linux 2021.2 is released with some new tools called Kaboxer and Kali-Tweaks and some cosmetic changes. Kaboxer provides dockers to use applications that they cannot work in newly OSs anymore or need isolation. Kali-Tweaks is a tool that makes it easy for users to configure their OS. Users canContinue Reading

A new malicious called Prometei has been determined, that including Exchange servers have ProxyLogon vulnerability to cryptocurrency network. Prometei is a modular malicious code and has different features like credential dumping, usage of the system for cryptocurrency minning, and lateral movement. Prometei has two different versions for both Windows andContinue Reading

Last week, I hearth that an organization did not add antivirus agent to their PC image. They are formatting the PC with their image, then connecting to the network and waiting for the sccm installing the antivirus software to the PC. Also, for remote users working on the field, someContinue Reading

All IT Security experts surely faced with such situations that anyone who does irrelevant with security, know only AV about computer security. AVs was the hero of our security for long times. Legendary TimesAVs begin their advanture as signature based protection against known viruses and worms. With the development ofContinue Reading

As spoken in all security events in last decade, the attacker’s purposes and methods have changed greatly and become more complex. As if this is not enough, increase in the number of the mobile devices used in the organizations and moving some (or most of the) services to cloud madeContinue Reading